Sunday, July 31, 2011

My accident

Everyone wants to know what happened. Here is a quick overview. I'll try to write more later.

I was on my way to the Plymouth County Fair to work driving on HWY 75. It's 55mph. At about 44th there is an intersection that has one of those caution lights, and a stop sign for drivers trying to cross. You can not see if anyone is in that intersection (I checked when I rode with my husband later to see if I missed something or could have done anything different).

She must have felt she could make it, or wanted to play frogger. Not sure what she did, but it sounds like she stopped then went, instead of looking both ways.

I saw a sudden white object to the side of me, and we collided. I remember veering off the rode towards the ditch and seeing a huge pole, trying to stop before I hit it. Luckily I stopped in front of it, took out some other stuff on the way though.

She jumped out of her car, dazed and said, "I'm not getting along with my parents right now, I'm sorry," and disappeared. She must work at the Ickey Nickel which was over there. Some guy was on the phone, I asked if he was calling "911" because I couldn't remember how to. dial Then I called Todd. The guy on the phone worked with the girl in the Mustang that hit me. He said "she stopped."

Well, it's good to stop, but you need to look both ways too.

She was bleeding from her face. But refused treatment.

Todd told them to take me away, and so I hate a nightmare ride (probably worse for the paramedics then me) in an ambulance as I screamed at them to take me off the board. :-) Man, that thing sucks!!!! I'll write more later but need to get ready for the fair.

I'm a little sore today, but not too bad. Thank God for seatbelts and airbags.

Thank you to everyone for your worries!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Long time, no write... the flood continues

OK, I have no real good excuse, I've just been overwhelmed. :-) We spent the last week trying to see if we could fill in where the water creeps up from the ground in our basement. It looked as if it was holding, but today the water was back.

I feel like we are losing to the river. It's looking like maybe November until we will actually move back by the time the water goes down, everything dries out and when get the house put back together. In the meantime, we get to move to the apartments closer to my home.

Anyway, life is keeping me crazy busy. Unfortuantely, this is not helping my writing much. I plan to jump back into it as soon as I hit post as my husband is at work....  and the boys are happy on the computer.

OK, countdown:

3 - 2 - 1

Friday, July 1, 2011

Pelting Beads at bystanders... SITP

Through all that is happening, life goes on. One yearly Sioux City tradition is Saturday in the Park. It's become a 3 day event with a Mardi Gras Gala on Thursday, Big Parade on Friday, and free concert in the park on Saturday with always a great line-up:

This year we rode the Saturday in the Park float (we have a few connections). I'm thinking this is a new family tradition. Because Alex doesn't like too many people, he rode in the air conditioned Semi that pulled the float. Of course, there ended up being 5 kids and 1 adult, so it was a little crowded. But he had fun.

The rest of us rode on a huge trailer with different platforms so we could pelt throw beads at the crowd. Our float had a massive number of beads, over $1000 worth, to throw out. That's a lot of beads. And we threw with passion. I did pelt a few people (accidently), but my goal was to find who didn't have a ton of beads and throw them that way.

Of course, as the parade went on, I began to realize those without a bunch of beads were putting them in bags or hiding them, so people would feel sorry for them and throw more.

There was something very thrilling about having something everyone wanted (beads) and having the power to give. It was impressive to see how many were caught in the air. Others landed at feet.

Tomorrow will be a fun day of music, really hot sun, friends, and the Sponsor Tent which is where I like to hang out, behind the stage. If you live in or near Sioux City, you really need to come. It's a fun time. Bring lots of money for great food!

OK, off to bed after a crazy day!